Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Answered prayer

Before the girls were born we prayed that each of them would be healthy both physically and spiritually all the days of their lives. Isn't that what every parent hopes for? I can remember rubbing my big pregnant belly as I wondered who  will she look like? What will her personality be? What will she want to be when she grows up?  One very specific prayer of both Bruce and I was that our babies would grow up under godly instruction and fall in love with Jesus as they journeyed through life. We prayed they would have fun childhoods, that they would feel loved and beautiful and grow up to be confident young ladies. And yes...we prayed that one day they would meet Mr. Right at just the right time.
Fast forward, the girls are 23 and 25 and it's July 1st, 2010. Bruce and I are in Jerusalem at the Western Wall. If you don't know what that is let me tell you. The Western Wall is the holiest shrine in the Jewish world. It is the western side of the wall that Herod the Great built to enclose the area around his temple. The foundation of the temple goes all the way back to the time of Solomon. Yes, King Solomon of the Bible. Jews were not allowed (I can't go in to all of the history) because it is located on the Jordanian side of the city. After the Six Day War, it once again became a place of worship for the Jewish people. Sadly, even today they are not allowed beyond the Temple gates.

You may be wondering how in the world does this go with my BLOG theme - The Mother of the Bride. Well...Lindsey graduated from college in December 2010 and moved back home. For the first time ever that April she shared with me how she was so ready to meet Mr. Right. You see Lindsey had been on a few dates but had never had a boyfriend. With tears in her eyes she asked, "Mom, what am I doing wrong? What's wrong with me? Why doesn't God answer my prayers?" If you are a mama, you know what I wanted to do....I wanted to fix it!

That night me and Jesus had a little talk. As if I was in charge I said,"Now Lord, what are you waiting for? Lindsey has loved You, served You, remained pure... what's the problem? This is breaking her heart. She's a beautiful girl who desires to be a wife and a mom. And I've given my life serving you, telling others about your great plan for marriage, encouraging students to obey your Word. So Lord...what are you waiting for? Where is this godly young man we've prayed for all these years?"  As if He didn't know every detail about Lindsey and as if he needed my suggestions.

So...on July 1st as I stood there in the Western Wall Excavations, which is twenty feet or so beneath the wall where its common to see the Jewish people praying, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to write a prayer, put it in the wall, and in faith believe that the Lord would answer my prayer. Quickly, because we were with a tour group from our church, I found a tiny piece of paper and wrote, "Lord, bless Lindsey with a godly husband and soon! And Holly too!" Please understand, the wall isn't magical but I believe my obedience; my faith, was what God wanted to test. From that moment on I had a new found peace and I BELIEVED He would answer my prayer and hers!

Little did I know God was already at work and Lindsey had already met this Mr. Right, she just didn't know it. She and Holly had gotten their own place and had become very involved in serving, Bible study and socials at Second Baptist Church Houston. In October they went on their first date and soon after on June 1st, 2011 (eleven months to the day that I put my prayer in the wall) Bryan proposed to Lindsey! God is good and He answers prayer in HIS PERFECT TIME! Thank You Lord!!

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart's desire. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause shine like the noonday sun. Psalm 37: 3-7

Trust, delight, commit and wait...and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Next time - The Proposal!

The Mother of the Bride

1 comment:

  1. very cool ! Weston has been right at the same wall.
    How awesome to know God sees, hears, reads, and answers our prayers.
    How awesome it would be to know the stories and answers of all the prayers placed in the wall that same day! :-)
